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New arrivals in Sweden – for those who are a refugee or guardian for an unaccompanied minor

Sweden believes it is important for everyone to be able to study so as to make it easier to find work. Therefore, normally, it does not cost anything to study in Sweden. In addition, you may be entitled to CSN grants and loans to make it easier to live and study in Sweden.

CSN grants and loans

If you are a refugee and you want to study in Sweden, you may be entitled to CSN grants and loans for your studies. This is called student finance. Student finance enables people who are studying to pay their rent and buy food and other things they need while studying.

If you do not have a Swedish driving licence, you may be entitled to borrow money from CSN so you can take lessons and acquire a driving licence. This is known as a driving licence loan.

Information for persons arriving to Sweden from Ukraine

People from Ukraine who have received a residence permit with the support of the EU's Temporary Protection Directive and who have registered (folkbokförd) in Sweden are not entitled to Swedish study support through that alone.

Ukrainian citizens who apply for asylum and are granted a refugee status declaration or a subsidiary protection status declaration in Sweden may be entitled to Swedish student aid for studies.

Different types of student finance

There are different kinds of student finance depending on what you study and how old you are. Here are the most common types:

If you are studying at upper secondary school, you can get study allowance up to and including the spring term of the year you turn 20. Study allowance consists of different grants, for example, student grant and supplementary allowance. Supplementary allowance is a grant you can apply for if your family has a low income. If you are an unaccompanied minor, it is your own income that counts.

From the academic year 2022/23 you don’t have to apply for the study allowance. When your school has informed us that you are studying, we will automatically assess whether you are entitled to the allowance. We will pay the money retroactively from the week you fulfilled the conditions.

If you wish to apply for supplementary allowance, boarding supplement or apprenticeship allowance your application for the academic year 2024/2025 must be submitted no later than 30 June 2025.

Study allowance – grants for studies in upper secondary school in Sweden

As of the autumn term of the year you turn 20, you can apply for a student grant and loan. If you are going to study at post-secondary level, for example at a university, you can apply for a student grant and loan even if you are younger than 20.

You can apply for both the grant and the loan, or if you prefer, only the grant part. If you have children, you can get an extra grant. This is called extra child allowance.

How the student loan must be paid back

You must pay back your student loan even if you move away from Sweden. You will not have to pay back the whole loan straight away; CSN will split up the payments over several years. How much you will pay and for how long will depend on how much you have borrowed and how high the interest rate is, among other things.

Student grants and loans for studies in Sweden

Repaying student loans

An education entry grant is for people who have been unemployed for a relatively long time and who need to do more studying at compulsory or upper secondary school level in order to get a job. This is a grant which can be paid out for maximum 50 weeks to a student who is studying fulltime.

It is the local authority in the municipality where you live that makes an initial assessment about whether you can apply for an education entry grant. You submit your application to your local authority. It is not possible to apply for an education entry grant direct from CSN.

Education entry grant

Right to Swedish student finance

You will normally be entitled to Swedish student finance if you belong to one of the following categories:

  • If the Swedish Migration Agency has given you a residence permit because you are a refugee, in need of protection or because of particularly distressing circumstances. You may also be entitled to student finance if you have received a refugee status declaration or a subsidiary protection status declaration from the Migration Agency.
  • If the Swedish Migration Agency has given you a residence permit based on the new upper secondary school law, or the previous temporary law.
  • If you have been given a placement in a foster family or in an HVB home by a Swedish authority, you will normally be entitled to Swedish student finance. In that case, you must
    • be younger than 20 years
    • have a valid residence permit
    • be able to present the placement order issued by the authority.
  • If you have or have had a guardian appointed by Swedish authorities you normally have a right to Swedish student finance. You must also
    • be younger than 20 years and
    • have a valid residence permit.

Your residence permit should be valid

Your residence permit should be valid for you to be entitled to student finance. The right to student finance usually applies from the week your permit has been granted by the Swedish Migration Agency.

If your residence permit is no longer valid, you may still be entitled to student finance if you applied for the extension of your residence permit before your temporary residence permit expired. Therefore, remember to apply to the Swedish Migration Agency in good time for an extension of your residence permit.

One of the following criteria must also be fulfilled. Your new application must:

  • be based on the same reasons as before, or
  • be for a new permit under the new upper secondary school law.

If any change is made to your residence permit, it is important you contact CSN as soon as possible. CSN will then check whether your student finance is affected and make sure the right amount is paid out. For example, the Swedish Migration Agency may reject your application for extension of your residence permit or they may withdraw your residence permit. In that case, you must contact us and notify us about the change.

Asylum seekers

If you are an asylum-seeker and have never had a residence permit in Sweden, you are not entitled to student finance.

Guardian for an unaccompanied minor

As a guardian for an unaccompanied minor, you can apply for a study allowance from CSN for the minor. In order to receive money, you need to register as a payee with us. The payee can also be someone such as a foster parent.

You report to CSN that you want to be the payee for the minor. You can register orally or in writing.

You can make written notification in connection with the grant application. The simplest way is to apply for it on the form in the application for a supplementary allowance or to send a letter or email to us.

Verify that you are the guardian

You also need to verify that you are the guardian, and you can do this by submitting a register extract or a certificate from “Överförmyndarnämnden” (the Chief Guardian Committee). If you have not already registered there, you need to arrange that first.

Can someone else receive payments?

Yes, you can designate someone else, such as a foster parent, to receive the money. In that case, you will need to submit a copy of the social welfare service’s decision to place the minor in a foster home. You do this in connection with the grant application. The application should also indicate which foster home parent should receive the money.

Entitlement to student finance

From the academic year 2022/23, we automatically assess whether the unaccompanied minor is entitled to Swedish student aid. We usually get the information we need from the Swedish Migration Agency, but sometimes we will need more information. In this case, we normally send a letter to the minor’s population registration address.

Student grant

When the school has sent us information about the minor’s studies, we send a decision on the student grant. If the minor is entitled to a student grant back in time, we will pay the grant retroactively from the week in which he or she meets the conditions.

Supplementary allowance

Unaccompanied minors often have the right for a supplementary allowance because they have low taxable income and often are without parents in Sweden that can be included in the income assessment. You need to order a form to apply for this for the minor.

As the minor’s guardian, you should sign the form. Have you not registered as a payee with us? In that case, you must do so and attach a register extract or a certificate from the Chief Guardian Committee verifying that you are the guardian.

Order the form “Ansökan om extra tillägg” (Application for supplementary allowance)

Before the minor is 18 years old, the money is paid to the person who is the designated payee. When the minor becomes 18 years old and reaches lawful age, we pay the money directly to him/her.

Swedbank pays out all the money on behalf of CSN, so the bank must be informed of what bank account the money should be disbursed to. If you have an e-identification (BankID) you can use Swedbank’s digital service to register your account in another bank. In case you do not have an e-identification, you can register your account at one of Swedbank’s offices.

Register your bank account (in Swedish)

If the account number is missing

If the account number is missing, you will receive a money order in the post. The money order states where you can redeem it for the money. If you have an e-identification, you can redeem your money order with Swedbank’s digital service.

Redeem your money order online (in Swedish)

When a minor becomes age 18

When a minor becomes 18 years old and reaches the age of majority, we will disburse the money to her/him. Therefore, it’s wise to have set up a bank account for the minor before he or she reaches the age of 18. Remember to also notify Swedbank’s account register of the account number.

Payments are stopped in the event of invalid absence

If the minor plays truant, s/he is not entitled to grants from CSN. We then stop payments. If s/he already has received money to which s/he is not entitled, we will deduct the amount from upcoming payments. When the minor resumes studies, we start paying the grant again.

Updated: 2025-02-26
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