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Student finance for transition and retraining – For people already established in the labour market

Student finance for transition and retraining is a new scheme for adults in the labour market who need to broaden their skills to improve their employability. You can now apply for student finance for transition and retraining for studies in Sweden beginning from 1 January to 30 June 2025.

What is student finance for transition and retraining?

Student finance for transition and retraining is a new kind of student finance aimed at adults who have already entered the labour market. Student finance for transition and retraining allows you to study and broaden your skills to improve your employability, either by further developing your expertise within your chosen field, or by starting down a new path.

Student finance for transition and retraining consists of a grant of up 80 per cent of your salary, up to a maximum amount, and a loan that you can use to top up your income, if you are looking to do to. Student finance is available for 44 weeks or longer, should you choose to study part-time.

Student finance for transition and retraining is available for studies in Sweden that started on 1 January 2023 or later. However, under certain circumstances, you may receive student finance for courses and programmes that have begun before that.

Your transition organisation helps you on your way

Your transition organisation will provide you with help and support to develop your skills. For example, they can give you free study and career guidance. Most transition organisations can also help you certify that the training you are about to take will strengthen your position in the labour market. In some cases, they can also provide you with a supplementary study grant.

There are different transition organisations and before you apply for student finance for transition and retraining, it's a good idea to find out which one you belong to. You will be asked about this in the application.

If you know your employer's organisation number you can find out which transition organisation you belong to by using this service:

Hitta din omställningsorganisation (only in Swedish)

Many employers have collective agreement with information about the term and conditions that apply to you as an employee, as well as your rights. Under certain circumstances, you may receive guidance from a transition organisation through the collective agreement if you are dismissed, need skills development, or are about to undergo a career change.

If your employer does not have a collective agreement, or you are self-employed, you can turn to the public transition organisation operated by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

Below you will find a list of the transition organisations whose work involves student finance for transition and retraining, and a description of what sector they represent. If you are uncertain of which transition organisation you belong to, ask your manager or contact your HR department. You can also contact your trade union.

If your employer has a collective agreement with a transition organisation not found on the list, you must provide an opinion as to how your planned studies will strengthen your position in the labour market when you apply for student finance for transition and retraining.

Do you not have a collective agreement? Then you belong to the new public transition organisation operated by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency.

Omställningsfonden (The Transition Fund)

For employees of municipalities, regions, and municipal companies affiliated with Sobona. The contracting parties are the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR), Sobona, Kommunal, the Public Employees’ Negotiation Council (OFR) and AkademikerAlliansen.

Trygghetsfonden TSL

For workers in the private sector. The contracting parties are the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and LO.

TRR Trygghetsrådet

For officials at private companies. The contracting parties are the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise and PTK. Companies affiliated with the Swedish Media Publishers’ Association and IDEA are also included.

The public transition organisation operated by the Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency

For people without collective agreement and the self-employed.

The Job Security Foundation

For employees in the public contractual sector. The contracting parties are the Swedish Agency for Government Employers, OFR/S,P,O (Public Employees’ Negotiation Council), Saco-S and SEKO.

Check if you belong to The Job Security Foundation


For workers in civil society, non-profit or cooperative organisations affiliated with Fremia. The contracting parties are Fremia and LO.


For officials in civil society, non-profit or cooperative organisations affiliated with Fremia. The contracting parties are Fremia and PTK.

TRS Trygghetsrådet

For employees in the idea-based sector and civil society organisation, and also the culture sector. The parties are Arbetsgivaralliansen, Swedish Performing Arts Association and PTK.

Kyrkans Trygghetsråd (Church of Sweden’s Employment Security Fund)

For employees of the Church of Sweden. The contracting parties are the Church of Sweden’s employer organisation, Kommunal, Vision, Kyrkans Akademikerförbund, Akademikerförbundet SSR, Jusek, Lärarförbundet (Swedish Teachers’ Union) and “Lärarförbundets och Lärarnas Riksförbunds Samverkansråd”.

KFS-företagens Trygghetsfond (KFS Companies’ Employment Security Fund)

For employees at municipally affiliated companies that are owned by municipalities, regions, or privately owned businesses affiliated with Sobona. The contracting parties include Sobona (previously KFS), Kommunal, Vision and Akavia.

Who is eligible for student finance for transition and retraining?

In order to be eligible for student finance for transition and retraining, you must meet a number of requirements. Click the headings below for more information about each requirement.

You are eligible for student finance for transition and retraining as of the year you turn 27.

The upper age limit for the grant and the loan differs.

  • You are eligible to receive the grant until the year during which you turn 62, but starting from the year you turn 61, you may only receive the grant for a maximum of 10 weeks.
  • You are eligible to receive the loan until the year you turn 60.


Ove is 61 years old and will attend a 12-week programme in order to strengthen his position in the labour market. He applies for student finance for transition and retraining for full-time studies. CSN grants him a grant for 10 weeks. He is not eligible for a loan as he is over 60 years of age.

In order to be eligible for student finance for transition and retraining, you must be established in the labour market. This means that must have worked for a total of 96 months (8 years) over of the last 14 years prior to your application being received by CSN.

If you have already begun the programme for which you will apply for student finance for transition and retraining, you shall count all time worked up until the start of your programme. Read more down below.

Your work must have been your main activity during these 96 months. You are not required to have worked for a single employer for 8 years. If you have worked for multiple employers, this is also acceptable.

On average, you must have worked at least 16 hours every week of every month or had a monthly income of at least SEK 19 050. The income requirement is calculated based on the base income amount for 2024 and is adjusted annually. We check this requirement by obtaining information about your income from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Any employment prior to the year you turned 19 is not included.

Certain remunerations are equated with work. If you received such remuneration for a period of time, this period may be included. You can include a maximum of 24 months. Below you will find a list of the affected remunerations:

  • parental allowance
  • pregnancy benefit
  • benefit for the care of closely related persons
  • rehabilitation cash benefit
  • sickness benefit
  • disease carrier's benefit
  • daily allowance and daily cash benefits for total defence service.

If you have received student grants and loans or education entry grant, you may not include the month during which you received these benefits.

You must have active ties in the labour market. This means that you must have worked for at least 12 months out of the last 24 months prior to your application being received by CSN. On average, you must have worked for at least 16 hours every week of every month.

Have you already begun the programme for which you will apply for student finance for transition and retraining? In that case, you shall count the time 2 years prior to the day before you started your programme. This is applicable provided that you have no interruptions in your studies apart from normally occurring intermissions in-between the semesters.

If you have received any of the following remunerations during any month, you may not include said month:

  • parental allowance
  • sickness benefit
  • student finance for transition and retraining
  • daily allowance and daily cash benefits for total defence service.

This means that if you, for example, have been receiving parental allowance for 6 months, the time frame is extended from 24 to 30 months.

All courses and programmes in Sweden that make you entitled student grants and loans also make you entitled to student finance for transition and retraining. This can for example include courses and programmes at a higher vocational education programme, university, adult education at upper-secondary level (komvux), or folk high school.

Courses and programmes that entitle you to student grants and loans (in Swedish)

Courses and programmes funded by a transition organisation can in some cases make you eligible for student finance for transition and retraining.

In order to be eligible for student finance for transition and retraining, your planned studies must strengthen your position in the labour market based on the labour market’s needs.

In other words, there must be a need for manpower, or the skills taught in the course or programme in the labour market. This means that you will normally not receive student finance for transition and retraining for courses or programmes that lead to professions where there is a great deal of competition. In some situations, there may be special circumstances that we may take into consideration. An example of such a circumstance is if there is a shortage of skilled labour in your specific region.

A transition organisation can usually help assess whether your planned studies would strengthen you position in the labour market. They can submit what is known as a Formal opinion to CSN to verify that your planned studies will strengthen your position in the labour market based on the labour market’s needs.

You may not receive student finance for transition and retraining for courses and programmes that should be provided by your employer to help you perform your duties, or courses and programmes only intended to fill a skills need for a specific employer. Additionally, you may not receive student finance for transition and retraining to attend a course or programme you have already finished.

Until the year you turn 39, the courses or programme may not exceed 80 weeks of full-time studies (around two years). If your studies are part-time, we will recalculate the amount of time based on your study rate. For example, if your study rate is 50 per cent, your studies may not last for more than 160 weeks.

As of the year you turn 40, there are no limitations regarding the length of the courses or programme.

Remember! Regardless of the duration of your studies, you may not receive student finance for transition and retraining for more than 44 weeks of full-time studies, or the equivalent number of weeks for part-time studies.

Your planned studies must be the equivalent of at least one week of full-time studies.

If your studies are part-time, we will recalculate the amount of time based on your study rate. The weeks do not need to be consecutive; they can be spread out over a longer period of time.

The minimum studies duration based on study rate

Study rate

Minimum study duration


1 week


1.5 weeks


1.75 weeks


2 weeks


2.5 weeks


5 weeks

You may receive student finance for transition and retraining for full-time studies (100 per cent) or part-time studies(75, 60, 50, 40, or 20 per cent).

The maximum amount of time during which you can receive student finance for transition and retraining is 44 weeks of full-time studies. This is roughly equivalent to one year of studying.

If you are studying part-time, CSN will recalculate the number of weeks based on your study rate. This means that if you were to, for example, study at a rate of 50 per cent, you would be entitled to 88 weeks of student finance for transition and retraining.

Number of weeks with student finance for transition and retraining based on what percentage level you are receiving student finance

Student finance percentage level

Number of weeks with student finance for transition and retraining


44 weeks


58 weeks


73 weeks


88 weeks


110 weeks


220 weeks

If you want to increase the number of weeks during which you are eligible for student finance for transition and retraining, you can choose to receive student finance at a lower rate than your study rate. For example, your study rate can be 75 per cent, but you receive student finance for transition and retraining at a rate of 40 per cent.

If you have previously studied with student grants and loans, education entry grant or student finance for transition and retraining, you ought to have satisfied the study results requirement.

Please find information down below regarding what is applicable when you apply for student finance for transition and retraining for the first time versus when you re-apply.

Applying for the first time

In case you have studied with student grants and loans or education entry grant during the past ten years, we will check your study results from this period when applying for student finance for transition and retraining for the first time.
If you have not achieved a passing grade from this previous study period, you will have to satisfy the study results requirement prior to receiving student finance for transition and retraining.

If you have not previously studied with student grants and loans or education entry grant from CSN or if you did so more than 10 years ago, it will not be necessary for us to check any study results.


If you intend to continue studying and apply for continued student finance for transition and retraining or whether you apply for student grants and loans, CSN will ascertain that you have achieved sufficient study results from the previous period in which you received student finance for transition and retraining.

More about study results (in Swedish)

If you have unpaid annual payments on a previous student loan or unpaid debts for improperly disbursed student finance, this may affect your eligibility for student finance for transition and retraining.

In order to be eligible for student finance for transition and retraining:

  • You must have paid all your annual payments up to and including the year before the year for which you are applying for student finance for transition and retraining.
  • You must not have unpaid debts for improperly disbursed student finance for more than one calendar half-year.

If there are exceptional reasons, you can get student finance for transition and retraining even if you have not managed the repayments well. The test for exceptional circumstances, however, is very restrictive.

If you are a foreign national, you also need to satisfy the conditions in order to be entitled to Swedish student finance.

Study in Sweden as a foreign citizen

This is how long you can get student finance for transition and retraining

The maximum length of student finance for transition and retraining is 44 weeks for full-time studies. This is equivalent to about one year of study.

If you are studying part-time, CSN will recalculate the weeks based on their equivalent in weeks of full-time studies. This means that if you are studying at 50%, for example, you can receive student finance for transition and retraining for 88 weeks.

If you want your weeks of student finance for transition and retraining to last longer, you can choose to take out less student finance for transition and retraining than your study load. For example, you can study at 75%, but take student finance for transition and retraining at 40%.

Amounts for grants and loans

Student finance for transition and retraining consists of a grant and a loan. You can choose to only take the grant and forgo the loan.

How much you receive through the grant and loan depends on your income. The money is paid monthly in arrears.

Grant – money you will receive

The grant corresponds to 80 per cent of your previous income, up to a maximum amount. For 2024, the maximum grant amount is SEK 5,275 per week before tax.

The grant is taxable and CSN will deduct preliminary tax before the money is sent. The grant is also pensionable.

Some transition organisations can offer an additional study grant depending on the contents of their collective agreement.

The table shows examples of how much you can get if you are a full-time student. Usually a standard payment is 4 weeks, but in some months it can be 5 weeks. The first and last disbursement of the period may be for fewer weeks.

Examples of grant amounts for full-time studies, 2024

Income per month, before tax

Grant for 1 week (before tax)

Grant for 4 weeks (before tax)

SEK 15,000

SEK 2,769

SEK 11,076

SEK 20,000

SEK 3,692

SEK 14,768

SEK 25,000

SEK 4,615

SEK 18,460

SEK 30,000

SEK 5,275

SEK 21,100

SEK 35,000

SEK 5,275

SEK 21,100

SEK 40,000

SEK 5,275

SEK 21,100

SEK 45,000

SEK 5,275

SEK 21,100

SEK 50,000

SEK 5,275

SEK 21,100

Loan – money that you need to pay back

In addition to the grant, you can also take out a student loan for transition and retraining, should you wish to do so. The loan amount is based on your income and is also subject to a maximum amount. For 2023, the maximum loan amount is SEK 12,556 per month.

The idea behind the loan is that you should be able to have approximately the same income after taxes during you studies as you do when you work. The income you get through student finance for transition and retraining can never exceed your salary amount.

We cannot say how much you will be able to borrow until we know the amount you are entitled to through grants. When calculating the amount you are entitled to, we include grants from both CSN and your transition organisation, provided that you are receiving grants from them.

Examples of maximum loan amounts for full-time studies, 2024

Income per month (before tax)

Loan for 1 week (maximum amount)

Loan for 4 weeks (maximum amount)

SEK 15,000

SEK 436

SEK 1,744

SEK 20,000

SEK 581

SEK 2,324

SEK 25,000

SEK 727

SEK 2,908

SEK 30,000

SEK 1,038

SEK 4,152

SEK 35,000

SEK 1,765

SEK 7,060

SEK 40,000

SEK 2,492

SEK 9,968

SEK 45,000

SEK 3,219

SEK 12,876

SEK 50,000

SEK 3,426

SEK 13,704

If you are working part-time in addition to studying

You can work part-time while studying with student finance for transition and retraining. There is no limit to how much you can earn while you are receiving student finance for transition and retraining (known as an income limit). However, you may only receive student finance for transition and retraining for the time during which you do not work. This means that if you work at a rate of 50 per cent, you may only receive student finance for transition and retraining at a rate of 50 per cent, even if you are a full-time student (100 per cent).

Student finance for transition and retraining is available at 20, 40, 50, 60, 75 and 100 percent of full-time.

If you increase your working hours while you are receiving student finance for transition and retraining, it is important that you notify CSN so that you do not receive too much.

If you receive other types of grants during your studies

You may not receive other types of social grants while receiving student finance for transition and retraining.

This means that you are not eligible for student finance for transition and retraining while receiving, for example, full allowance from Försäkringskassan. However, if you are receiving a 50 per cent allowance from Försäkringskassan, you are eligible for student finance for transition and retraining at a rate of 50 per cent.

Below are some examples of grants you may not receive while also receiving student finance for transition and retraining:

  • activity support
  • sickness, activity and rehabilitation benefit
  • parental allowance
  • development benefit
  • establishment benefit
  • short-term benefit.

You may not receive student finance for transition and retraining during the same period as you receive student grants and loans or education entry grants. You may not, for example, receive student finance for transition and retraining at a rate of 50 per cent, and student grants and loans at a rate of 50 per cent in the same week.

You are also not allowed to receive student finance for transition and retraining for periods during which you are also receiving student finance or equivalent student funding from another country.

If you are receiving a wage for your studies, you may not also receive student finance for transition and retraining.

Application rounds and budget

There are two application rounds each year. The date when the period that you wish to receive student finance for starts, will determine when you can submit your application. You can apply for student finance for a period of one year in the same application.

The earliest dates for submitting your application are stated below:

  • As of 1st April you can send in your application if you wish to receive student finance for a period that starts from 1 July to 31 December that same year.
  • As of 1st October you can send in your application if you wish to receive student finance for a period that starts from 1 January to 30 June the following year.

We will reject your application if you submit it too early.

A limited budget

Every year, CSN receives an amount of money intended for student finance for transition and retraining from the Riksdag. It is divided into two budgetary items – one for civil servants and one for private employees. The budget is also divided between the two application periods.

We grant applications in the order in which we receive them, and as long as there is money available. If you are studying with student finance for transition and retraining, you have priority if you apply again for the same courses or programme.

Checklist for applying

There are a few steps you need to take in order to make the application process as frictionless as possible. Click the different steps to learn more.

Illustration på en dator

1. Plan your studies

Illustration på ett papper som ska symbolisera ett beslut

2. Prepare ahead of submitting your application for student finance for transition and retraining

Illustration som visar Mina sidor

3. Apply through Mina sidor (My Pages) on

Illustration med en penna och underskrift

4. Wait for CSN to make a decision regarding your application

Illustration som visar två böcker

5. Read through the decision

Illustration på sedlar

6. Submit a study assurance to CSN and ensure that your account is linked to Swedbank’s account register

It is important that you know which transition organisation you belong to. You will need to fill this in when you apply. Ask your employer, HR department or trade union if you are unsure. Many workplaces have collective agreements that include support from a transition organisation.

If your employer does not have a collective agreement, or if you are self-employed, you belong to the Public Sector Transition Organisation (offentliga omställningsorganisationen), which is under the auspices of Kammarkollegiet (The Legal, Financial and Administrative Services Agency ).

Transition organisations play an important role in student finance for transition and retraining. They can provide free study and career guidance and can help you prove that the course you are studying will strengthen your position in the labour market. In some cases, they can also pay you a supplementary study grant.

You can find more information about what a transition organisation does, as well as a list of transition organisations in the section titled Support from a transition organisation.

Here are a few things for you to keep in mind before you apply for student finance for transition and retraining:

  • What courses or programmes do you want to attend?
  • Will the course or programme strengthen your position in the labour market based on market needs?
  • Will you be studying full-time or part-time?
  • Will student finance for transition and retraining be sufficient to last for the full duration of the studies?

In order to complete your application for student finance for transition and retraining, some information is required, including the following:

  • your employer’s corporate identity number (or your most recent employer’s corporate identity number if you are unemployed)
  • your annual working hours (not required if you are unemployed)
  • your annual income before tax (not required if you are unemployed)
  • any other benefits, such as activity compensation or parental allowance
  • the start and end dates for your studies.

If you are currently studying, your answers should be based on your situation before your studies began.

You will also need to state whether you want to apply for full-time or part-time student finance for transition and retraining. Even if you plan on studying full-time, you can still apply for part-time student finance for transition and retraining if you wish to receive the payments over a longer period of time.

Under certain circumstances, you may not be able to obtain a formal opinion from a transition organisation verifying that your studies will strengthen your position in the labour market. This means that you will have to provide an opinion of your own in your application. See the section titled Formal opinion regarding how your studies will strengthen your position in the labour market for more information.

You can submit your application on Mina sidor on You will need an e-ID, such as a mobile BankID, to log in.

You can apply even if you have not yet been admitted to your programme.

There are different application deadlines depending on when you will be studying. Check which application period applies to you. If you apply too early, your application will not be considered and will be rejected.

Once you have signed and submitted your application, you will receive this confirmation in the service:

thumb up

Once you receive the confirmation, you can rest assured that your application has been received by CSN. We do not send out confirmations by email or SMS.

Waiting times vary depending on how many people apply, when you apply and the circumstances of your case. We process the applications in the order in which they are received by CSN. Read more on the page Are you waiting for a decision on student finance for transition and retraining? (in Swedish)

You will not be able to follow what's happening with your application in Mina sidor (My pages), but if we need anything more from you, we will contact you. You will then receive the decision on your case in a letter.

Read through the decision to ensure that the information is correct. Should you find any inconsistences, please contact us.

Submit a study assurance

Before you can receive your first payment, you need to verify that you are going to be studying pursuant to the information in CSN’s decision. This is called submitting a study assurance. You will receive a form for study assurance along with the decision regarding student finance for transition and retraining. You need to sign this form and submit it to CSN when you begin your studies. In some cases, the school also needs to sign the form. Whether or not this is necessary will be written on the form.

CSN must have received your study assurance no later than 30 days after the starting date of your studies with student finance for transition and retraining.

If your study assurance is not received on time, the decision no longer applies. Under special circumstances, CSN can still send the money.

Register your account with Swedbank

In order for us to be able to send the money to your bank account, your account need to be linked to Swedbank’s account register. You do not need to be a customer of Swedbank, you can use any Swedish bank.

You can check whether your account has already been added to the register on Swedbank’s website. You can also use the website to register your account.

Swedbank’s account register (in Swedish)

If you have not registered your account in the account register, we will send a withdrawal slip by post.

Formal opinion regarding how your studies will strengthen your position in the labour market

In order to receive student finance for transition and retraining, you verify that your planned studies will strengthen your position in the labour market. The most efficient way to accomplish this is through a formal opinion from a transition organisation.

If your transition organisation can provide a formal opinon, CSN will request it from them directly when we process your application. This means that you do not need to submit it yourself.

If you are covered by a collective agreement and belong to a transition organisation that does not provide formal opinions to CSN, you need to provide your own opinion as to how your planned studies will strengthen your position in the labour market. This is done directly through your application.

  • Your opinion should be as clear-cut as possible. You can use the questions below for guidance when writing your opinion:
  • Do you need to learn new skills in order to keep up to date with how your professional role has evolved?
  • Do you want to study to transition to a new profession where it will be easier for you to find employment?
  • Are there any other factors that make this course or programme important to your future working life?

How do I know if I need to write my own opinion?

We will only request that you provide a opinion if it is deemed necessary. Based on the answers you provide regarding your transition organisation in your application, we can deduce whether or not you need to provide your own opinion, or if your transition organisation can submit a formal opinion.

In order for CSN to determine whether you will receive student finance for transition and retraining, we need to collect data from other organisations and government agencies.

Below you will find a few examples of data that we need to collect:

  • a formal opinion from your transition organisation that the course or programme in question will strengthen your position in the labour market
  • data from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding your employment for the past 14 years in order to check whether you meet the work requirements
  • data from Försäkringskassan regarding your income in order to calculate how much student finance for transition and retraining you are entitled to
  • data from your transition organisation regarding whether they will be paying out any additional collectively agreed study grant for your studies (if you are applying for a loan).

In order to calculate how much student finance for transition and retraining you are entitled to, we need up-to-date income information. Therefore, we can acquire income data from Försäkringskassan no earlier than three months prior to the start of your studies.


Student finance for transition and retraining is paid on the 25th of each month of your study period. You will receive the money in arrears.

In order for you to receive the first payment, the following requirements need to be met:

  • You must have started your studies.
  • You must have submitted a study assurance to CSN certifying that you are studying pursuant to the information listed in the decision.
  • The school has informed CSN that you are studying pursuant to the information listed in the decision.

If you receive a decision from CSN after your studies have begun and after the 25th of that same month, we will send the money immediately. We will not wait until the next month.

Required study results

When you study with student finance from CSN, you need to achieve certain study results, i.e. pass a certain number of credits, in order to be entitled to continue receiving student finance. We will check your study results when you apply.

The number of credits or courses you need to pass vary depending on what you study. If you have not achieved a passing grade from this previous study period, you will have to satisfy the study results requirement prior to receiving student finance for transition and retraining.

More about study results (in Swedish)

If anything changes, you become ill, or need to care for a sick child

Do your studies include fewer credits than you had initially planned? Have you interrupted your studies? These are examples of events that could have an impact on your grants and loans. It is therefore important that you report any such changes to us as soon as possible.

Changing circumstances that can have an effect on your student finance for transition and retraining:

  • You rate of study changes, or your studies cover fewer credits.
  • You interrupt your studies.
  • You fall ill or need to care for a sick child.
  • Your number of working hours increase.

If you are a foreign citizen, your right to Swedish student finance will also be affected should your number of working hours decrease or if the number of hours that your relative works decreases.

If somethings happens or circumstances change (in Swedish)

Repaying the loan

Student finance for transition and retraining is the same type of loan as a regular student loan (since 1 July 2001).

When it is time to start making repayments, you will receive a payment plan from CSN. In 2024, the interest rate on the loan is 1,23 per cent.

You start repaying the loan no earlier than six months after receiving your last student finance for transition and retraining payment. Repayment always starts after the end of a year.

Repaying the student loan

What rules apply to you if you have previously taken a student loan vary depending on when you took the previous loan. This is because the types of loans have changed over the years.

  • If you have taken a student loan after 2021, the amount you borrow through student finance for transition and retraining will be added to this loan. In other words, you do not get a new loan.
  • If you have taken a student loan before 2022, you will have two different loans. You can then choose to combine the two loans.

When you are studying with student finance for transition and retraining, you will not get a reduction on your previous student loan. This means that you will continue making repayments during your studies. If you have difficulties making repayments, you can apply to pay a reduced amount based on your income.

Updated: 2024-10-01
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