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Study in Sweden as a foreign citizen – the right to Swedish student finance

In order to receive student grants and loans from CSN, you must fulfil two different types of conditions.

  1. Conditions for the right to Swedish student finance as a foreign national.
  2. The conditions that apply to the student finance you are applying for.

CSN tries all conditions and will send you two separate decisions.

Requirements for the right to Swedish student finance

In order to be entitled to Swedish student finance as a foreign citizen, you must fulfil these conditions. Conditions vary depending on the country in which you are a citizen.

EU/EEA or Swiss citizen

Citizen outside EU/EEA or Switzerland

The conditions for the student finance you wish to apply for

You must also fulfil the conditions that apply to the student finance you are applying for. For example, the programme you are studying may entitle you to student finance.

Student finance for studies in Sweden - grants and student loans

Study allowance - grants for studies in upper secondary school in Sweden

Education entry grant

Student finance for transition and retraining

Updated: 2024-02-20

Få hjälp kring bidrag och lån för studier, hur du betalar tillbaka eller andra ärenden.