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If you have unauthorized absence from upper secondary school

If you are absent from upper secondary school without a valid reason, your student grant may be stopped. This also applies to other allowances, such as supplementary allowance from CSN or housing allowance from Försäkringskassan. Here you can read about how allowances from CSN will be affected if you have unauthorized absence.

What counts as unauthorized absence

Your school assesses and decides what is considered to be unauthorized absence, for example, if you repeatedly and without a valid reason

  • are absent from lessons
  • are late for lessons
  • leave lessons too soon.

If you have repeated unauthorized absences of a total of four hours or more in a month, the school may report it to CSN.

In some cases, there may be special reasons for absence and the school may then choose not to report to CSN, for example, in the case of illness, bullying or other personal reasons. If you are absent from school because you are unwell, it is important you inform your school.

What happens if your school decides you have unauthorized absence

  1. The school will report to CSN that you have unauthorized absence. If you have unauthorized absence, you are not considered to be a full-time student and you are therefore not entitled to a grant.
  2. CSN will stop the payment of your grant(s) and investigate whether you have received too much money.
  3. When your school assesses you are studying full-time again, the school will report that to CSN.
  4. You will be entitled to your grant(s) again but if you have received money to which you were not entitled, it may be some time before your payments start up. Read more under the heading “If you have to pay money back to CSN”.
  5. The June payment may be withdrawn. You will only receive it if you have studied full-time for at least nine months of the academic year.

Warning! When a student grant is stopped, allowances from other authorities may also be stopped, such as the family’s housing allowance and multi-child allowance from Försäkringskassan.

If you have to pay money back to CSN

If you have received money from CSN to which you were not entitled, you will have to repay that money. In the first instance, we will make deductions from your forthcoming payments during the academic year. If that is not enough, or if you do not return to full-time study, we will send you a recovery order with a payment slip at the end of June. The recovery order will be sent to the person who received the money.

It is important to pay the money back in time

If you receive a recovery order, it is important you pay it. If you have difficulty paying, it is usually possible to pay it back in instalments. If so, contact CSN and we will investigate the best solution for you.

If you simply do not pay, despite being sent reminders, we will pass your case on to Kronofogden (Swedish Enforcement Authority). This may result in you being issued a record of non-payment.

If you have any objections

If you hold the view that your school's information about your unauthorized absence is incorrect, in the first instance, you must contact your school. It is your school, not CSN, that decides what is valid or unauthorized absence.

If you hold the view that CSN’s decision is incorrect, you can appeal the decision.

Updated: 2022-12-01
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