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Appealing against a decision by CSN

If you believe that CSN has reached an incorrect decision, you can appeal against it. CSN must be in receipt of your appeal within three weeks from the date on which you were notified the decision.


You can appeal against decisions that CSN has reached. To do so, you must write a letter, i.e. your appeal, and send this to CSN. However, you need to include in the appeal details of which appeal court you will be appealing to. CSN must be in receipt of your written appeal within three weeks from the date on which you were notified the decision.

Decisions that cannot be appealed

You cannot appeal against decisions regarding the repayment of home equipment loans or decisions regarding the recovery of study allowance for people with disabilities (Rg-bidrag) or compensation for sign language training for parents (TUFF).

Lodge the appeal with the appeal court

The appeal must be lodged with an appeal court (National Board of Appeal for Student Aid, administrative court or administrative court of appeal). This means that you need to write at the top of the appeal which appeal court you are lodging the appeal with.

Appeal courts for lodging appeals

The nature of your case determines which appeal court you should lodge your appeal with.

If you wish to appeal against a decision regarding the granting or recovery of student finance, you should lodge your appeal with the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid (Överklagandenämnden för studiestöd).

If you wish to appeal against decisions regarding the repayment of student loans or decisions regarding the granting of home equipment loans, study allowance for people with disabilities (Rg-bidrag) and compensation for sign language training for parents (TUFF), you must lodge the appeal with the administrative court.

If you wish to appeal against a decision to disclose public
documents, you must lodge the appeal with the administrative court of appeal.

Information you should include in your appeal

There is some information that you need to include in your appeal. The following information always needs to be included:

  • which decision you are appealing against
  • how you want the decision to be amended
  • your contact details (name, postal address, phone number).

If you are being represented by a representative or deputy, you also need to include their contact details.

Read your decision to see all the information we need

In your decision from CSN, you received information about whether you can appeal against it and, if so, what information you need to include. You should therefore carefully read the content of your decision to see what information you need to include in the appeal.

Where to send your appeal

Swedish citizens

If you are a Swedish citizen and wish to appeal against your decision, you should send your appeal to:

Box 488
631 06 Eskilstuna

Foreign citizens

If you are a foreign citizen and wish to appeal against a decision regarding the entitlement to Swedish student finance, you should send your appeal to:

Gruppen för utländska studerande
851 82 Sundsvall

CSN Hemutrustningslån
851 82 Sundsvall

CSN Göteborg
Box 10069
400 70 Göteborg

What happens when you appeal

The first thing that happens is that CSN checks whether we can amend the decision. If so, you will receive a new decision. We will then ascertain whether your appeal has arrived in time. If it has arrived on time, we will send your student finance case to the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid or your appeal regarding repayment of loans to the administrative court.

If the appeal has arrived too late, we will reject it.

Once the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid has examined your appeal, they will send you a decision. Bear in mind that CSN’s decision continues to apply until the National Board of Appeal for Student Aid has reached a new decision.

Once the administrative court has examined your appeal, they will send you a decision. Bear in mind that CSN’s decision continues to apply until the administrative court has reached a new decision. This means that you are obliged to pay to CSN, even if you have e.g. appealed against a decision regarding a reduction.

Updated: 2025-01-09
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