CSN charges interest on the money you borrow. In 2025, the interest rate is 3,73 percent. The interest is calculated from the day you receive the loan until you have repaid the whole debt. This means that when you repay the loan you both need to repay the money you got and the interest. The interest cannot be removed.
You start paying back the loan 2 years after first receiving the money. It takes between 1 and 7 years to repay the loan, depending on how much you borrowed. We will automatically send you paying-in slips when it is time to start making repayments.
We will send 3 paying-in slips at a time. Every time we send the paying-in slips, we will charge a notice fee of SEK 40. This amounts to a total of SEK 120 per year. If you fail to pay your invoices on time, you will also have to pay a reminder fee of SEK 60.
You can start making repayments before two years have passed, if you want. In this case, order the paying-in slips after logging into Mina sidor Hemutrustningslån (My Pages Home equipment loan) here at csn.se.
You can also choose to make overpayments on your loan. In this case, change the amount stated on the paying-in slip. If you want to repay the entire loan in a single payment, please contact us.
If you are having difficulty making repayments on your loan, you can apply to pay less or to pay nothing at all for a calendar year. CSN will charge interest, even though you are not making payments on the loan. As a result, the debt will be growing when you are not paying.
If you fail to make payments in accordance with your payment plan, the following occurs:
- We will send you a reminder. You will then have to pay the SEK 60 reminder fee.
- If you fail to pay despite receiving the reminder, we will send a new reminder the following month, stating that we can terminate the loan for immediate payment.
- If you fail to pay, we will terminate the loan for immediate payment. You will then receive a paying-in slip for the entire debt. Once the loan has been terminated, you will no longer be able to apply for deferred payment.
- If you fail to pay a loan that has been terminated, we may forward the claim to the Enforcement Authority (Kronofogden).
If your case is handed to the Enforcement Authority, you risk receiving a record of non-payment. Credit report companies issue records of non-payment after they have obtained data from the Enforcement Authority. UC and Kreditfakta are examples of credit report companies.
Are you repaying your home equipment loan from another country than Sweden? There are different methods of payment depending on where you live. In some cases, the bank charge a fee for handling the payment.
Repayment of home equipment loans are to be made to CSN’s account at Danske Bank by using Bankgiro number 5201-1053.