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Certificates for income abroad

If you have paid a reduced annual amount due to low income, we will check your income retrospectively. We receive information about income in Sweden directly from the Swedish Tax Agency, but if you have received income abroad, you must submit a final tax assessment from that country yourself. If you have not received any income, you also have to verify this. Further down the page you will find information about the applicable situation in various countries.

Checking income when you pay less

Have you paid a reduced annual amount due to low income? We will check your earnings retrospectively, regardless of whether you have received income in Sweden or abroad. If it turns out that you have paid too little based on your income, you will have to pay this retrospectively. You will also have to pay a surcharge. However, the annual amount may not be higher than it was before you were granted the reduction.

If you have received income abroad, you must submit a copy of your final tax assessment (taxation) or an equivalent certificate verifying the income you have received. If you have not received any income, you also have to verify this.

Income in Sweden

If you have received income in Sweden, we will check this by comparing the details you have provided with the information we receive from the Swedish Tax Agency.

Income abroad

If you have received income abroad, you must submit a certificate verifying that the income you wrote in the application to pay less is correct. We will send you a request when you need to submit a copy of your final tax assessment (taxation) or corresponding certificate from the tax authority in the country where you received income.

Deductions in your tax return

Have you requested deductions in your tax return? CSN can in some cases take these into consideration, but you need to inform us about them. You can do this in Mina sidor, in the service called Lämna intyg om utländsk inkomst. We cannot take general deductions or basic deduction into consideration.

No income

If you have not had any income, then you need to send us a certificate from the tax authority to prove this.

How to verify income from different countries

Here you can find out what applies in the country where you received income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Argentina: Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos (AFIP). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from AFIP.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Declaración Jurada F-711
  • Internet extract from Presentación de DDJJ y Pagos showing that the tax return has been confirmed

If you have not submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Income statement F649, which the employer submits to Dirección General Impositiva (DGI)
  • Copy of Mis aportes/Resumen de situación previsional showing all income for the current year

If you have received no income at all

Submit a certificate from AFIP/DGI verifying that you have not submitted a tax return and that you have received no income at all for the year in question.

If you have received income from business activities

Submit the following documents:

  • Constancia de opción – Régimen Simplificado para Pequeños Contribuyentes
  • Certificate from AFIP/DGI verifying the income for the year in question

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). For income details from Australia for 2018, the certificates must show the period 1 July 2017–30 June 2018.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Notice of Assessment
  • Individual Tax Return

If you have received income that has been declared on your Tax Return, Supplementary section, you must also submit this part.

If you have not submitted a tax return and have received income

Submit the following documents:

  • Non-lodgment advice stamped by the ATO, Tax Return not Necessary or Lodgement of your Tax return not required
  • Payment summaries

If you have not submitted a tax return and have not received any income

Submit the following:

  • Non-lodgment advice stamped by the ATO, Tax Return not Necessary or Lodgement of your Tax return not required
  • A certificate from the ATO showing that you have not received any income

You can order the certificates from the tax authority in Australia, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Austria, Bundesministerium für finanzen (Finanzamt). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from Finanzamt.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Einkommensteuerbescheid with all the appendices.

If you have not submitted a tax return or have received income that is below the limit for paying tax

Submit the following documents:

  • Lohnzettel und Meldungen (payroll tax assessment)
  • A certificate specifying that no tax return has been submitted and that no other income is reported.

If you have received no income at all

Submit certificate from Finanzamt indicating that you have not received any income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Belgium, Service Public Fédéral Finances (French), Federale Overheidsdienst Financien (Dutch) or Föderaler Öffentlicher Dienst Finanzen (German). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from the tax authority in Belgium.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit all the pages of one of the following documents:

  • Avertissement-extrait de rôle (French)
  • Anslagsbiljet/Berekningsnota (Dutch)
  • Steuerbescheid (German)

If you have not submitted a tax return

Submit a certificate from the tax authority in Belgium, on which your income is shown.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Canada, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from CRA.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Income Tax and Benefit Return T1 General (D’impôt et de prestations)
  • Notice of Reassessment (Avis de cotisation) or Notice of Assessment or Income Tax Return Information - Regular

If you have not submitted a tax return or have not received any income at all

Submit a certificate from CRA verifying that you have not submitted a tax return and have not received any income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Chile, Servicios de Impuestos Internos (SII). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from SII.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Certificado Declaración de Renta Internet
  • Formulario 22, your tax return

If you have not submitted a tax return or have received income that is below the limit for paying tax

Submit Certificado Sobre Situación Tributaria en Chile F3466.

If you have received no income at all

Submit a certificate from Servicios de Impuestos Internos (SII) stating that you have received no income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in China, State Administration of Taxation (SAT). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from SAT.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit one of the following documents:

  • Copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent certificate from SAT
  • Certificate from SAT showing how much tax you have paid, along with a verification notice from your employer or other certificate showing paid tax and income received

If you have received income but have not submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Certificate from the SAT showing how much tax you have paid
  • Verification notice from your employer or some other certificate showing paid tax and income received.

If you have received income below the limit for paying tax or have received no income at all

Submit one of the following documents:

  • Certificate showing that you are not included in the tax register at SAT
  • Certificate from SAT stating that they will not be issuing a certificate
  • Another certificate from SAT in combination with e.g. a visa confirming that you are not allowed to work in China

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Denmark, SKAT. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from SKAT.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Årsopgørelse.

If you have not submitted a tax return and have not received any income

Submit a certificate from SKAT verifying this.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from the tax authority in Finland, Vero Skatt.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Verotuspäätös (tax assessment).

If you have not submitted a tax return

Submit a certificate indicating that you have not submitted a tax return. It should also state what income you have received.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from Direction générale des finances publiques (DGFIP). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from DGFIP.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit one of the following documents:

  • Avis d’impôt sur le revenus
  • Impôt sur le revenue

If you are taxed jointly, you must also submit your joint Avis d’impôt sur les revenus. We need this in order to distinguish between your incomes. If you cannot demonstrate how the income is distributed between you, you will be viewed as a sole earner.

If you have not submitted a tax return or have not received any income

Submit one of the following documents:

  • Avis de non imposition ou d’imposition non mise en recouvrement
  • Corresponding certificate issued by DGFIP indicating that you have not received any income and have not submitted a tax return

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Germany, Finanzamt. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from Finanzamt.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Bescheid über Einkommensteuer und Solidaritätszuchlag, along with all the appendices.

If you are taxed jointly, you should instead submit your joint Bescheid with all the appendices. If you cannot demonstrate how the income is distributed between you, you will be viewed as a sole earner.

If you have not submitted a tax return or have received income that is below the limit for paying tax

Submit the following documents:

  • Lohnsteuerbescheinigung/Ausdruck der elektronischen Lohnsteuerbescheinigung
  • A certificate from Finanzamt indicating that you have not submitted a tax return, as well as the income you have received.

If you have received no income at all

Submit a certificate from Finanzamt indicating that you have not received any income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Greece (DOY). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from DOY.

If you have submitted a tax return

Which document you should submit depends on whether you have submitted a tax return individually or are taxed jointly.

  • Taxed jointly: submit ΠΡΑΞΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΠΡΟΣΔΙΟΡΙΣΜΟΥ ΦΟΡΟΥ (joint)

If you have received income below the limit for submitting a tax return or have received no income at all

Which document you should submit depends on whether you have submitted a tax return individually or are taxed jointly.

  • Individually: submit ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΔΗΛΩΣΗ (Ypefthini Dilosi)
  • Taxed jointly: submit ΠΡΑΞΗ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΟΥ ΠΡΟΣΔΙΟΡΙΣΜΟΥ ΦΟΡΟΥ (joint)

If you are taxed jointly, you must verify how the income is distributed between you. If you do not verify this, you will be viewed as a sole earner.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Iceland, Ríkisskattstjóri (RSK). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from RSK.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Álagningarseðill (final tax assessment)
  • Skattframtal

If your total income for the year is not shown on Álagningarseðill, you must submit a certificate from RSK that presents your total income.

If you have not submitted a tax return

Submit a certificate from RSK specifying that no tax return has been submitted and that no other income is reported.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Ireland, Revenue Irish Tax & Customs. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from Revenue Irish Tax & Customs.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Self Assessment Acknowledgement Notification
  • Form 11 Return summary

If you have not submitted a tax return and have only received income from employment

Submit PAYE Balancing Statement (P21).

If you have not received income or are not registered in the tax register in Ireland, you must submit a certificate from Revenue Irish Tax & Customs to verify this.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from Agenzia delle Entrate.

If you have submitted a tax return

Which document(s) you should submit depends on whether you have submitted a tax return individually or are taxed jointly.

If you have submitted a tax return individually, you must submit:

  • Modello 730


  • Modello Unico (Persone fisiche)


  • Comunicazione di regolarità


  • Certificato di reddito percepito


  • Unico Mini


  • Comunicazione di regolarità, which verifies that the tax return is approved/confirmed

If you have submitted a tax return when jointly taxed, you must submit:

  • Modello 730 including all its pages.

If you cannot verify how the income is distributed between you, you will be viewed as a sole earner.

If you have received income from business activities

Submit the following documents:

  • Modello Unico (Persone fisiche)
  • Comunicazione di regolarità, which verifies that the tax return is approved/confirmed.

If you have not submitted a tax return but have received income

Submit the following documents:

  • CUD or Modello 770 (Ser.P.I.Co)
  • certificate from Agenzia delle Entrate which specifies that you have not submitted a tax return.

If you have received no income at all

Certificate from Agenzia delle Entrate indicating that you have not submitted a tax return and that Agenzia possesses no income information about you.

You can order the certificates from the tax authority in Italy, Agenzia delle Entrate.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Japan, National Tax Agency (NTA). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from NTA.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Municipal and Prefectural Income Taxation Certificate
  • 平成28年度 所得· 課税証明書 (2016 Fiscal Income and Tax Certificate). On the certificate, the heading 平成27年分所得 (2015 Worth Income) must be included

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in the Netherlands, Belastingdienst. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from Belastingdienst.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Aanslag inkomstenbelasting/Premie volksverzekeringen, all pages.

If you have not submitted a tax return but have paid payroll tax

Submit Verklaring geregistreerd inkomen with designation D (formerly called Inkomensverklaring).

If you have received income below the limit for paying tax

Submit Verklaring geregistreerd inkomen with designation D (formerly called Inkomensverklaring).

If you have received no income at all

Submit one of the following documents:

  • Verklaring geregistreerd inkomen with designation O (formerly called Inkomensverklaring)
  • Certificate from Belastingdienst where it is evident that you have not received income

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in New Zealand, Inland Revenue (IRD) Te Tari Taake. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from IRD. For income details for 2018, the certificates must show the period 1 April 2018–31 March 2019.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • IR3 (Individual tax return)
  • Return Acknowledgement Notice or Notice of Assessment (NOA)

If you have not submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Personal Tax Summary (PTS)
  • A certificate from IRD indicating that you have not submitted a tax return

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in Norway, Skatteetaten. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from Skatteetaten.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Grunnlag for skatt.

If you have not submitted a tax return and have not received any income

Submit a certificate from Skatteetaten indicating that you have not received any income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from Agencia Tributaria.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Certificado Resumen de la Declaración Anual del I.R.P.F.

If you are taxed jointly, also submit your joint Certificado Resumen de la Declaración Anual del I.R.P.F. You should also submit Datos fiscales for both of you. You must do this in order for us to distinguish your incomes from each other. If you cannot demonstrate how the income is distributed between you, you will be viewed as a sole earner.

If you have not submitted a tax return but have received income

Submit Certificado de imputaciones del I.R.P.F. and its appendix.

If you have not submitted a tax return and have not received any income

Submit Certificado de imputaciones del I.R.P.F.

You can order the certificates from the tax authority in Spain, Agencia Tributaria.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in your canton. There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from the tax authority in your canton.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Final tax assessment
  • Appendix to the tax return

If you have received income below the limit for submitting a tax return

Submit the following documents:

  • Certificate from the tax authority indicating that you have not submitted a tax return
  • Income statement from the employer: Lohnausweis (German), Certificat de salaire (French), Certificato di salario (Italian)

If you have not submitted a tax return and have received no income at all

Please submit a certificate from the cantonal tax authority stating that you have not submitted a tax return and that they do not have any income information about you.

If you are only paying deductions at source (Impôt à la source/Quellensteuer)

This applies if you are staying temporarily in or commuting to and from Switzerland and are only paying deductions at source. Submit Bestätigung quellensteuer (German), Attestation impôt à la source (French).

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from The Revenue Department. The 2018 income year corresponds to 2561 according to the Thai calendar.

If you have submitted a tax return

  • PND 90 or 91 stamped and signed by The Revenue Department


  • Income Tax Payment Certificate

If you have not submitted a tax return and have received income

Non-resident Withholding Tax Certificate

If you have not submitted a tax return and have not received any income

  • Certificate issued by the local tax office or the tax authority in Krabi


  • Certificate indicating that you do not have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).

If you have received income from business activities

PND 50 and a certificate from the tax office in Krabi indicating that you have not received any other income.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in the United Kingdom, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from HMRC. For income details for 2018, the certificates must show the period 6 April 2018–5 April 2019.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit SA302 Tax Calculation. If you have submitted your tax return electronically, you can print the document yourself from HMRC’s website. Your electronic Tax Calculation must be completed and have the status “SUBMITTED”.

If you have not submitted a tax return

Submit one of the following documents:

  • Annual Tax Summary
  • P800 Tax Calculation
  • Employment History Letter

If you have received no income at all

Submit a certificate from HMRC indicating that you are not included in their tax register.

Verify your income details by submitting a copy of your final tax assessment or equivalent for the current year from the tax authority in the USA, Internal Revenue Service (IRS). There are also other certificates you will need to submit, depending on your situation. You can order the certificates from the IRS.

If you have submitted a tax return

Submit Record of Account.

If you are taxed jointly, you must also submit Wage and Income Transcripts for both of you. You must do this in order for us to distinguish between your incomes. If you cannot demonstrate how the income is distributed between you, you will be viewed as a sole earner.

If you have not submitted a tax return or have not received any income

Submit the following documents:

  • Verification of non filing
  • Wage and Income Transcript

If you pay taxes to the EU, you must submit a certificate showing how your EU income is taxed by submitting the Certificate of Revenues with Remuneration and Taxation Details for the current year. If you are resident outside of Sweden, you must also provide a final tax assessment or equivalent from the country where you live.

SINK (special income tax for non-residents)

If you are taxed in Sweden according to the Special Income Tax Act (SINK), you should also submit income statements regarding your SINK-taxed income. Submit one of the following:

  • KU13 (green income statement) if you have been employed
  • KU14 if you have paid artist’s tax
  • KU17 if you have received seafarer’s income
  • KU19 if you have received pension or insurance payments.

The certificates can be ordered from the Swedish Tax Agency.

If you do not submit a certificate of income

If you do not submit a certificate indicating your income, you must pay your original annual amount. You will also have to pay a surcharge.

We may produce a new assessment if you submit certificates to us after we have made an assessment regarding your annual amount. We can then take into account the income details for which you have submitted certificates.

Updated: 2022-11-30
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