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Study outside Sweden as a foreign citizen –
the right to Swedish student finance

Are you a foreign citizen that wishes to study abroad? Here you will find information on what applies if you are looking to study at a university or college, take a language course, partake in an exchange programme, or study at a foreign upper secondary school.

Where and what are you studying?

If you are a foreign national, you must first satisfy the requirements for entitlement to Swedish student finance. The requirements depend on the country you are going to study in and the type of programme you are studying.

The regulations on this page apply to those who want to study outside of Sweden.

University studies and language courses

For those wishing to pursue higher education outside of Sweden, the same rules apply to the different types of schools.

Student finance for studies outside of Sweden

Exchange studies

If you are a foreign national, you often have a better chance of getting the right to Swedish student finance for exchange studies than if you are studying a full programme abroad.

Exchange studies outside of Sweden

Upper secondary education

If you are planning on attending an upper secondary school abroad there are different rules applying depending on where you are going to study.

Upper secondary studies in the Nordic countries

Upper secondary studies outside the Nordic countries

Repaying the student loan

Those who have studied with student loans from CSN start repaying their debt when they put their studies on hold or complete the studies for which they have received student financial aid. This applies even if you are unemployed, receiving parental benefit or moving abroad. Here you will find information on how to repay your loan and what you can do if you are having difficulties repaying.

Repaying the student loan

Updated: 2024-02-20

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