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Repaying your driving licence loan

Here you can see when to start repaying your loan and how much you need to pay. You can also see what happens if you do not pay on time or if you have trouble making repayments.

When do I start making repayments?

You will start repaying your loan six months after your decision on a driving licence loan has expired, at the earliest. This means that if you have been given a driving licence loan in 2018, 2019, or the first half of 2020, you start repayments in January 2021. You will receive a repayment plan from CSN when it is time to start repayments.

Your first payment will always be made at the start of a new year, either the following year or the year after that.

  • If your driving licence loan decision expires between 1 January and 30 June, you will start repaying the following year.
  • If your driving licence loan decision expires between 1 July and 31 December, you will start repaying at the turn of the year after one year.

Do you want to start repaying earlier?

You can start repaying earlier if you want. Payments are made to bank giro number 5268-6011. State your personal identity number (ten digits without spaces or hyphens) as the OCR number.

Letters from CSN about your loan

At the start of each year you receive a yearly statement from CSN. It specifies the size of your debt. When it is time for you to start repaying the loan, you will also receive a letter with a repayment plan and inpayment forms. The repayment plan shows you how much to pay and when during the year.

How much do I need to pay each month?

You pay off your loan with SEK 300 a month. This amount also includes the interest that CSN charges on top of your loan amount. The interest rate for 2025 is currently at 3,73 per cent. If you have borrowed SEK 15,000, it will take a little more than 4 years to repay the loan.

Do you want to pay off the loan faster?

If you wish to pay off your loan faster, you can make additional payments at any time. Contact CSN to make additional payments, or to pay off your entire loan.

What happens if I do not pay on time?

It is important that you pay on time. If your payment is late, you must pay a reminder fee of SEK 60. If you do not maintain your payments according to the repayment plan, CSN may decide to accelerate the payment, making the entire loan amount due for repayment immediately.

What happens if I have trouble making repayments?

If you have trouble repaying the loan, for instance if you do not have an income, you can apply to repay a smaller amount during a certain period. Contact CSN so that we can help you.

If you move

If you move, you must make sure that CSN receives your new address. This also applies if you move abroad. We will receive the new address automatically if you report it to the Swedish Tax Agency. Otherwise you must report it directly to us.

Report a new address to the Tax Agency

Updated: 2025-01-01
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