Longer opening hours in the beginning of 2025
At the beginning of 2025, CSN's customer service will be open extra on the phone as many people contact us about repayment issues and student aid applications.
From 7 of January the new opening hours are:
- Questions about repaying student loans
CSN's customer service for repaymengquestions is open 9:00 – 16:00 between 7 January - 31 January, 24 - 28 February and 31 March - 1 April. - Questions about tudent aid for studies in Sweden
CSN's customer service for student aid in Sweden is open from 9:00 to 16:00 on the first weekday of the week between 7 January - 7 February.
To get to CSN's customer service, call +46 771 276 000 and then choose what your question is about.
For other questions than the above, the regular opening hours apply.