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Information for foreign schools

CSN (the Swedish Board of Student Finance ) is the Swedish Government authority that approves student finance, both grants and loans, to students in Sweden and abroad. CSN also handles the repayment of the loans.

Almost 900,000 students apply for student finance every year, of which 30,000 are studying outside of Sweden. There are two different kinds of student finance for studies abroad – study allowance and student grants and loans.

Study allowance

Students younger than 20 years attending courses equal to upper secondary level may be entitled to study allowance, which is a grant that does not have to be paid back.

Study allowance for upper secondary school studies outside Sweden

Student grants and loans

Student grants and loans include both grants and loans and are given to students attending post-secondary courses, normally at college or university. It can also be given to students older than 20 years taking courses equal to upper secondary level.

Requirements for student grants and loans

In order for a student to be eligible for student grants and loans, there are a number of requirements to be met by both the education and the student.

How much student grants and loans can a student receive?

Student grants and loans consist of grants and loans and are calculated per week. Students may also apply for loans for additional expenses, such as travel costs, personal insurance and tuition fees.


Student grants and loans are normally paid out monthly in advance, usually for four weeks per payment. In certain cases, we can make a payment for a whole semester at once. Loans for travel costs and insurance are paid out three weeks before the start of the semester. Loans for tuition fee may also be paid out three weeks before the start of the semester, if the school requires the fee to be paid then.

Applying for student grants and loans

All students must apply for student aid through our service Mina sidor (My pages). Applications may be submitted at any time during the year, but we give the student a maximum of four weeks retroactively if we receive the application after start of studies. We may grant an application for a maximum of one year of studies at a time. The student must also attach certain documents.

Changes during the studies

If something happens which causes a change in the study period, students should contact CSN as soon as possible. This includes dropouts, revised curriculum, illness or other circumstances that affect the studies.

We would also be grateful if you could contact us at if a Swedish student either does not start a course or drops out.

Repaying loans

CSN does not require Swedish students to return to Sweden after their studies abroad, but students who take out loans must repay them. This also applies to students who settle down abroad after finishing their studies. While studying with student aid, students do not make repayments. The repayment time is at most 25 years. Those who have trouble repaying can apply to have the amount reduced.

More information

Read more about student grants and loans on this page:

Student grants and loans for studies outside Sweden


For questions about student finance and repayments:

Phone number +46 771 276 000 weekdays between 9 am and 4.00 pm.


Updated: 2022-12-05
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