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When you visit, cookies will be stored on your computer. A cookie is a text file that helps give the user access to various site functions.

Your cookies

Your settings

How CSN uses cookies

CSN uses two kinds of cookies. Necessary and optional cookies. The neccesary cookies are used for functionality (for e-service and log-in funcationality). The optional cookies are used for web analytics and to improve our website.

Both the necessary and the optional cookies can consist of session cookies and persistent cookies.

  • Session cookies are being saved temporarily in your computer. They disappear when you close your browser.
  • The persistent cookies are being saved with varying lengths on your computer.

You can remove cookies in your browser.

Necessary cookies

Session cookies

Session cookies will be saved on your computer until you close the browser. Then they disappear automatically. We use the following session cookies:

  • JSESSIONID. CSN uses several JSESSIONID cookies, one for each application. The files contain a session ID code that the site needs to be able to work properly. They are used to track your session and to keep you logged into our services. Domain:
  • Session cookie for load balancing: Often begins with the letter "f" followed by a number of characters, here is an example: f2d2ec50401c2784b4098103cec939f0
  • testcookie. The file testcookie is used to find out if you allow cookies. Cookies are required for our services that requires you to sign in. Domain:
  • LtpaToken och LtpaToken 2. The files contains information about your signed in session and are used to enable our signed in services. Domain:
  • Blanketter: Used for information about ordering forms. Domain:
  • HanteraIntegrationMellanWebbplatsenOchMinaSidor: Manages integration between website and our e-services. Domain:
  • access_token: Manages authentication for our e-services. Domain:
  • refresh_token: Manages authentication for our e-services.
  • KC_RESTART: Manages authentication for our e-services.
  • AUTH_SESSION_ID_LEGACY: Manages authentication for our e-services.
  • AUTH_SESSION_ID: Manages authentication for our e-services.

Persistent cookies

  • allcookies: This cookie is used to store your cookie preferences. The cookie is saved for up to two years and can be deleted in your browser.
  • ADRUM_BTa: Contains the backend transaction ID as well as timing info and is used to correlates end-user experience with the health of the backend app. Does not contain any personally identifiable information and is immediately deleted after being read.
  • SameSite: Used by our e-services and is deleted when you log out.

Optional cookies

Analytics cookies

CSN uses Piwik Pro to collect usage statistics. These statistics are used to develop and improve the website. The website uses the following cookies:

  • _pk_id.* This file is used to identify returning visitors to the site. It is saved for up to two years.
  • _pk_ses.* This file is used to identify a session. It is saved for 30 minutes.

Information created by these cookies are handled locally by CSN:s own servers. CSN anonymizes IP addresses by removing the last digits of an IP address before the data is stored.

Third party cookies that we are in the process of removing

We can not manage these cookies but the usage of this solution is in the process of being removed.

  • Youtube. On a few pages CSN uses Youtube to play video. When you visit a page that has an embedded Youtube video, cookies will be saved from The files are saved for less than a year and can be deleted in your browser.
Updated: 2024-02-27
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