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Children – information for persons under the age of 18

Oh this page you can read about children's rights. You can read about CSN, what you are entitled to and how you can make yourself heard in matters that affect you.

Children's rights

When you are under the age of 18, you are considered to be a child. The United Nations (UN) have rules about the rights of the child. The rules are known as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. On 1 January 2020, the UN Convention became Swedish law. This means that your rights as a child in Sweden are even more protected then before.

When children are affected by our decisions, we need to consider children’s rights, and what is best for the child. Children’s rights are important and must be protected.

The Convention contains articles describing the rights of the child. There are four main principles in the Convention describing how the other articles in the Convention should be interpreted. These four principles are:

  • All children have equal rights and equal worth. No child may be discriminated against.
  • The child’s best interests must be considered in all decisions which affects the child.
  • Every child has a right to life, survival and personal development.
  • Every child has a right to express their opinion on things that directly relate to them.

What is CSN?

CSN is a government agency responsible for grants and loans. We make decisions about and pay out money to students. We also handle the repayment of loans.

CSN also handle loan to people needing a driving licence to be able to get a job. It is called a driving licence loan.

Your rights at CSN

CSN need to make sure that children’s rights are considered in everything we do. As a child, you have a right to make yourself heard in all matters that affect you. You have a right to get information from CSN in a way that enables you to know your rights and influence decisions.

Your opinion is important to us! We want to know if you have any questions or if there is something that you do not understand. If you want to get in touch with us, you can call or write. You can also book a meeting at one of our offices. Please let us know if you have any ideas on how we can improve in protecting the rights of the child!

Contact us

Updated: 2022-11-29
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